

二十多年来,蓝天集团经历创业、发展、跨越、转型、创新、持续六个 阶段,从小到大、从大到强,从单一到多元、从多元到核心,逐步发展壮大。公司先后荣获驻马店市A级纳税大户企业、河南省百强企业、河南省改革开放30年功勋企业、中国优秀民营企业、中国民营500强企业、中国制造业500强企业等120多项荣誉,为实现驻马店市经济社会发展和中原崛起做出了积极贡献。

Upholding and adhering to the painstaking spirit and pragmatic &hardworking cultural tradition, Henan Lentan Group has made remarkable achievements amid the competitive economic environment. Keeping in mind its ambition to serve the country and society by devoting to industrial development, Lentan looks forward to a prosperous and booming future.

Over the past two decades, Lentan has focused on the promotion and application of gas-centered clean energy, for the benefits of the society and people. Now it has developed from a handcart delivery crews into Henan’s Top 100 Company, China’s Top 500 Manufacturer, China’s Top 500 Private Enterprise. The group enterprise with an asset of almost RMB 10 billion has made great contribution to the development of regional economy and the society.

Now, standing on a larger and wider platform, Lentan meets new challenges with brand new philosophy, system, and image, aiming to realize the great transformation, development and prosperity. We believe that only continue optimizing and enriching our corporate culture can we gain strong vitality and lasting developmental potential; that only pay more attention to creating value, respect and value intelligence and talents and pursue excellence, can we develop our new corporate value of excellence, creation and people-orientation. We strive to promote our core competitiveness in resource optimization, strategic decision-making, industrial operation, and brand marketing; enrich our advantages in industrial development and market competition, ultimately, realize the benefit maximization for customers, employees, shareholders and the society.

We are open to work together with all parts over the global to create a brighter future.


版权所有:河南蓝天集团有限公司 网站备案号:豫ICP备05008790号